
Jan 8, 2009

Deleted posts and other things.

Most of you will have noticed that I deleted a ton of posts. 88 of them to be exact. That is a lot of random bits from my life that I just wiped away. I wanted to take a way a lot of the personal day to day things from this blog so I moved the family blog over to Our Messy Life. Check it out in the side bar. So now I have this overwhelming feeling to start writing something on here and get some more posts......only nothing is coming. I am at a loss. I hate that!

I am a book lover and always have been. This year on WTM someone set up the goal for 52 books in 52 weeks. Sweet. I'm game. So far I have knocked out 3 books with at least another 6 or so waiting. Not to shabby. I also decided to do the book challege at simple mom. Her book list is actually one that will help us learn new things and grow. I look forward to a year filled with books. Cant complain about that now can ya?

The camera is down yet again so nothing interesting for you visual people. Sit tight though I am googling new ones as we speak!

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