
Apr 2, 2009

Organic little seedlings

Its snowing. Can I say that I am tired of the nasty weather we've had. I mean really, wind, snow, freezing temps. Doesnt it realize that its SPRING!!! Come on already!!

The winds have been fierce as of late. They've tossed my greenhouse from the back yard to the side yard. And our woodshed? Um yeah it died a quick and painful death during last weekends gale force winds. Our roof? Thank heavens we will be replacing it this summer because half the back shingles are laying on our front lawn. **sigh**

Broccoli seedlingsOnions

But there is hope. My counters are littered with green little seedlings. I mean this quite seriously too. My island is covered with 180 little pots (you know like the ones that you buy petunias in, the little 4 inch black containters). I have HUGE ones that in the end equal to 180. but thats not all, nope. I also have 144 more little ones on my dishwasher and counters. Then there are 2 long planters with all the onions. It is a crowded green world in the kitchen as of late. It is sweet and beautiful if I may say so.
Snap dragons and marigolds: Umm yeah the snap dragon seeds are tiny and well I put all of them in like 4 cells. In my defense I couldnt see the little buggers so now they live side by side, really, really, really close. I will have to thin these but they make me smile so I will wait.

Tomatoes: These babies have had a hard time. It good to see they are even growing, I worried about that.

Okay remember the nasty weather I just mentioned. Well remember it when you are looking at these really bad pics. There is no natural light in the house right now so every things looks.....well dreary. None of the plants look this sad in real life. Okay have a good day hope its warmer and sunnier than mine! Time to trim the onions!

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