
Aug 9, 2009

A lapse in posting

Sorry about that. Sometimes I feel like blogging and other times I just don't. :)

Things with the earwigs got out of control. And I do mean out of control. In the end we had to bomb the house (which I hate with all that chemical crap floating about!). We had huge nests under the house in the crawl spaces. It was bad, really really bad. We haven't had the pleasure of seeing anymore earwigs which I have to say has been a small blessing, especially when they were joining us for showers and taking swims in our shampoo. I tell ya it was bad! :)

The garden is still infested with them but it doesn't seem to be a big deal anymore. I think the weeks of heat took their toll and the numbers are dwindling. Thank heavens. I have largely given up on the garden for now. I am beat and have no energy to stand in the baking 100 degree heat to weed. We had decent crops off of nearly everything that we planted so that was nice. I will be planting a fall garden this week if I can get Dean to clear a space or make a few raised beds. Otherwise I will wait till next spring after this baby is born and energy has returned.

This last week we celebrated our 10th anniversary. Friday night we drove 3 hours to a small mountain town to have dinner and watch a local theatre group perform "Footloose". Most of the actors in the show were college interns. There were few props and it took place in an outdoor amplitheater. It rained, or more misted, for quite a while and when the clouds broke the stars were shining in all their glory! It was a fantastic night and we enjoyed ourselves immensley. We will definatly be making the drive again, possibly bringing the kids with us next time. This time we stayed in a hotel but next time I think we will camp. The area is spectacular with green everywhere, mountains close enough to spit on, and trees everywhere you look. It was just what we love. We didnt get any pictures because, well I suck, but I dont think pictures could have even come close to capturing the scene. Seriously wonderful.

Today is bread making day for me. Its not normally but since I just got some very awesome pans it is. :) One of my best pans was broken months ago leaving me with only one decent pan. I finally gave in and ordered some 1.5 pound loaf pans (Chicago Metal Brand) from . These babies are beautiful! No nasty teflon coating here just commercial grade steel. Oh yeah! I have three loaves in the oven now and I can hardly wait for the yummy smells to hit. The kiddos helped since we are all home from church today sick.
Well off to make more bread and do some other things I ignore on a regular basis (ie laundry).

1 comment:

Paul and Nicole Rhien said...

10 years! Wow, how time flies. Congrats