
Dec 7, 2009

Seasonal Celebrations

This time of year we are blessed to have more celebrations than most. Deans birthday is the week of Thanksgiving (sometimes Thanksgiving day!) and Caitlins happens during the first week of December. Sometimes it seems like one solid celebration around here for a month!

The look of surprise and shock here is wonderful! Nothing like a birthday cake and candles to make the eyes pop open!

We bought Caitlin a lip gloss pack, a nail polish pack, and Ian bought her some barretts. Needless to say they went over well. Very Well!

So well in fact that almost instantly the socks and shoes were off so that she could paint her own nails. She was so excited to be able to do it all by herself.

When I was a kid I always loved laying under the Christmas tree to see all the lights and ornaments. There was something so fantastic and wonderful about it. The kids all seem to think the exact same thing!

Just a bunch of goofballs around here!

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