
Nov 23, 2011

Celebration time

It's the time of year that things go haywire around here.  We have 3 birthdays in three weeks, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  We have something to celebrate every single week from now until Christmas.  How cool is that!?

But it does leave  me a little breathless at times.  So much excitement, preparation, and celebrating leaves one a little dizzy.  My goal this season is to fully enjoy each of these little moments, to make the most of them and more importantly keep a fun and festive attitude throughout.

We spent yesterday putting together a little party for the Dad of the house.  The kids were tickled pink to surprise him when he walked through the door with love notes, special boxes, chocolate chips and artwork.  Last night long after the party had finished, Dean pulled me close to him and said "Thanks for encouraging the kids' excitement.  I've never felt so special."

And really, isn't that goal of family?  Have a blessed Thanksgiving.  I will see you all back here on Monday.






1 comment:

Jane said...

Ahh, that is so awesome! Isn't it great that he told you how much he loved that!!! Hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving!