
Jul 29, 2011

Glimpse of Gratitude

{I have changed Glimpse of Gratitude to Mondays.  Come check it out and be grateful!}

"Have an attitude of Gratitude" is one of my favorite sayings.  It's simple and to the point, kind of puts you in your place without ever having to say a mean word. :)  Or at least it puts me in my place.  Anyway when times get rough around here I start counting my blessings.  Some days I find little to be grateful for and others I see the abundance everywhere.  Being grateful in times of stress or unhappiness can be the biggest challenge and yet when we take a few moments to be thankful for what we do have we can feel a peace that rarely comes.

So on that note I want to start a little tradition of sorts.  Each Friday I will post one simple picture of something I am grateful for, something that has blessed my life in the past week, with no words to describe it.  I want the picture to speak for itself.

Feel free to join in the Glimpse of Gratitude challenge and post one on your blog.  Leave a comment here so we can see who you are and what you are grateful for.  This is a great way to build a community that encourages each other so join in and let your friends know about it too!

Summer Smores

Have a lovely weekend!

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