
Apr 21, 2009

Sorry for the delay

Things have just gone crazy around here. I have thrown all my carefully laid plans for siplification out the window for the moment. We are selling our home. WOW what a lot of work to get things done. The house looks amazing because we have SERIOUSLY de-cluttered, patched, painted, moved, washed ect all the surfaces and more. It feel so great, which I guess falls in my simplification year. The garden has also been put on hold to a degree. It will not be as huge as my grand plans were but it will be managable for us and who ever buys this place.

We will be sad to leave this area as it really has been home for us. BUT we have so many more plans that are so exciting it wont be a bad thing at all.

So if you read this blog often, sit tight. I only have 2 more weeks of school left and probably 1 week left of packing, washing, tweaking and then I will head back here for a little unwind time.

And then, maybe I will let you in on whats going on here. :)

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