
Aug 15, 2010

Slow summer days

Life has been so busy the last few months that I haven't been able to breath.  Then all of a sudden everything has come to a screeching hault.  Well for at least a week anyway.  School starts up again in a week.  I start the 23rd (I think) and the kiddos will start after labor day.  I have yet to even get some of their curriculum but it is on my to-do list this next week.

With the summer winding down I have to admit I am sad.  I have done little to no canning, jam making, gardening, etc.  It makes me sad.  Since the garden was such a horrible flop this year I am going to try a winter garden.  I picked up a few windows a couple years ago that I am going to use as a cold frame.  I want to try for some kale and other hardy greens.  If things continue to go as they have, that ambition might be put off though. ;)  We'll see.

I am looking forward to autumn.  It is my favorite season and on that is so short lived. I cant wait to see fog again, smell all the wonderful sweet earthy smells, and see the leaves change.  Something about the season just makes me want to cook, laugh and knit (lol I don't even knit!).  It makes me want to be home with my family and eating popcorn.  It reminds me of rollerblading with my best friend as kids, sleepovers, and pencils. 

Anyone else love that line in You've Got Mail.... "I would send you a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils...."  or even better when Meg Ryan sniffs the scotch tape?  I love that scene and starting in August it plays over and over in my mind.  I smile when I walk by pencil displays......I would send myself a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils and you can guarantee I would be sniffing them.  And construction paper....oh don't get me started on construction paper.....

Okay this post has turned up very random but since it is me that isn't to abnormal! :)  I will leave you with this....

"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns." ~George Eliot

Have a fantastic week everyone!

1 comment:

Mr. H. said...

I wish you the best of luck with your winter garden, Autumn always means a lot of cooking at our place too. I loved the quote by George Eliot.:)