
Dec 21, 2011

Times are changing

Two years ago we walked into a hospital where the power was out.  Roads were closed, ice covered every surface, and temperatures were frigid.  It was the 21st of December and we were having our 4th and final baby.  It was a scheduled c-section so there wasn't a lot of hubbub of labor going on.  In fact we walked in well rested and joking.

Upon check in we were told that since the power was out they would most likely have to reschedule.  They had to reserve the generator power for emergencies.  I think my look conveyed my hormonal displeasure because the nurse quickly said "Oh lets just start your I.V. in case."  Good idea.

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From there everything went as a c-section does with the added benefit of the power being restored.  Two hours after walking in we had a beautiful baby girl who kept her eyes open for most of her first 24 hours here.

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Today that little (surprise) baby is a feisty and independent toddler.  She knows her mind and there is no changing it.EVER.  She is the first to give hugs, tackle for a dog pile, or set the table.  She has a smile that makes you giggle and a laugh that takes a few minutes to appear but once it does it warms your heart.


Today we close the door for the last time on infancy.  Toddler-hood and beyond is here.  Diapers are slowly going away, the last sippy cup lingers and all those sweet tiny baby clothes have made their way to a box (or the hands of others).  Replaced with all those are dolls, snowboots that can do damage when kicked, and the words "Me! I do!" repeated a million times a day.


Our lives are changing so quickly as we usher out one phase for another.  Time moves so quickly.  Today though, things will be slow as we celebrate and savor this little girl who completes our family so perfectly.

Happy birthday love, you are amazing.

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